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Selected Archaeological Readings Pertinent to Pre-1700 Regional Traditions


Bettarel, R. L. and H. G. Smith
1973 The Moccasin Bluff Site and the Woodland Cultures of Southwest Michigan. University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology Anthropological Papers 49. Ann Arbor.

Brose, D. S.
1976 The Late Prehistory of the Lake Erie Drainage Basin. The Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland, Ohio.
1994 The South Park Village Site and the Late Prehistoric Whittlesey Tradition of Northeast Ohio. Monographs in World Prehistory 20, Madison, Wisconsin.
2000 Late Prehistoric Societies in Northeastern Ohio and Adjacent Portions of the South Shore of Lake Erie: A Review. In Cultures Before Contact: The Late Prehistory of Ohio and Surrounding Regions, edited by R. A. Genheimer, pp. 96-122. The Ohio Archaeological Council, Columbus, Ohio.
2001 Prenumbral Protohistory on Lake Erie’s Southern Shore. In Societies in Eclipse: Archaeology of the Eastern Woodland Indians, A.D. 1400-1700, edited by D. S. Brose, C. W. Cowan, and R. C. Mainfort, Jr., pp. 49-65. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington.

Brown, M. K.
1975 The Zimmerman Site: Further Excavations at the Grand Village of the Kaskaskia. Illinois State Museum Reports of Investigations 32, Springfield.

Carskadden, J and J. Morton
2000 Fort Ancient in the Central Muskingum Valley of Eastern Ohio: A View from the Philo II Site. In Cultures Before Contact: The Late Prehistory of Ohio and Surrounding Regions, edited by R. A. Genheimer, pp. 316-339. The Ohio Archaeological Council, Columbus, Ohio.

Ehrhardt, K. L.
2004 Linking History and Prehistory in the Midcontinent: Archaeological Investigations at Marquette and Jolliet’s “Peouarea.” In Aboriginal Ritual and Economy in the Eastern Woodlands: Essays in Memory of Howard Dalton Winters, edited by A. M. Cantwell, L. A. Conrad, and J. E. Reyman, pp. 287-302. Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, Springfield.

Esarey, D.
1997 Seasonal Occupation Patterns in Illinois History: A Case Study in the Lower Illinois River Valley. Illinois Archaeology 9:1&2:164-219.

Esarey, D. and L. A. Conrad
1998 The Bold Counselor Phase of the Central Illinois River Valley: Oneota’s Middle Mississippian Margin. The Wisconsin Archeologist 79:2:38-61.

Esarey D. and K. Emerson (editors)
2021 Palos Village: An Early Seventeenth-Century Ancestral Ho-Chunk Occupation in the Chicago Area. Studies in Archaeology No. 14. Illinois State Archaeological Survey. University of Illinois. Urbana, Illinois

Grantham, L.
1993 Illini Village of the Marquette and Jolliet Voyage of 1673. The Missouri Archaeologist 54:1-20.

Mazrim, R. (editor)
2015: Protohistory at the Grand Village of the Kaskaskia: The Illinois Country on the Eve of Colony. Studies in Archaeology No. 10 Illinois State Archaeological Survey. University of Illinois. Urbana, Illinois

Mazrim, R. and D. Esarey
2007 Rethinking the Dawn of History: The Schedule, Signature and Agency of European Goods in Protohistoric Illinois. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 12(2): 145-200.

Redmond, B. G. and K. C. Ruhl
2002 Rethinking the “Whittlesey Collapse:” Late Prehistoric Pottery Migrations in Eastern Ohio. Archaeology of Eastern North America 30:59-80.

Stothers , D.M.
2000 The Protohistoric Time Period in the Southwestern Lake Erie Region: European-derived Trade Material, Population Movement, and Cultural Realignment. In Cultures Before Contact: The Late Prehistory of Ohio and Surrounding Regions, edited by R. A. Genheimer, pp.52-94. The Ohio Archaeological Council, Columbus, Ohio.

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