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Artifact Gallery: New Salem State Historic Site
Below are selected artifacts from various contexts and excavations at New Salem (ca. 1825-1840). This and other such galleries will be updated occasionally.
Some of the few artifacts that survive from the 1930s excavations. Pocket knives, hand-forged hinge, and preserved leather shoe found in a well. | Selected refined ceramics from the 1995 excavations at Area CC. |
British smoking pipe from pre-1835 contexts at Area CC. | Late 1810s pictorial whisky flask (George Washington) from Feature 3 at Area CC. |
Selected refined ceramics from the 1995 excavations at Area AA. | Redware jug fragments from the Feature 4 still house at Area AA. |
Brass, white metal, and bone buttons from pre-1835 contexts at Area AA. | Artifacts affiliated with Indigenous presence at Area AA, circa 1825-32. Brass hair tube, glass beads, and shell wampum. |
Bone button, horn and lead gaming pieces, mouth harp, and brass pins from pre-1835 contexts at Area DD. |
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